What Makes A Good ITR Analyzer That Can
Transform Credit Underwriting?



ITR filings increased by more than 91% in the past 10 years, culminating in over 8.18 crore this year, 2023-2024. This is 9% more than last year's 7.51 Crore. In essence, Indians are paying more tax, and the government ensures that it's all aptly recorded.

This is precisely a financial evolution lenders can leverage. Verifying income checks is obviously an integral part of assessing creditworthiness. However, how we do this is equally or even more relevant in this transformative ecosystem.

This is where ITR comes into play. A thorough analysis of ITR filings can give deep insights into a borrower's credibility. But manually going through these exhaustive amounts of data is not remarkably advisable. Ergo, we can use automated assistance.

Let's look at why Automated ITR Analyzers can revolutionize the lending industry. 

Challenges In Using Traditional Methods To Analyze ITR

The traditional methods of credit underwriting often grapple with several challenges:

  • Data Overload : Financial institutions are inundated with vast volumes of data, including income tax returns (ITRs), financial statements, Annual audit reports etc.
  • Manual Analysis : Manual analysis of ITRs is time-consuming and prone to errors, leading to inefficiencies and inconsistencies in decision-making.
  • Limited Insights : Extracting meaningful insights from raw data is daunting, often resulting in superficial evaluations and missed opportunities to identify potential risks.

Credit Underwriting With ITR Analysis

The first recorded instance of a lender checking a borrower's income details is attributed to Hammurabi in 18th-century BCE Babylon. Since then, the ways of analyzing creditworthiness have evolved, adapting better, more efficient methods while making the redundant ones vestigial.

Even today, this evolution continues through digitization, automation, and artificial intelligence. In this decade, the vestigial aspect of credit underwriting is certainly unnecessary manual intervention. Effective ITR analyzers eliminate this additional effort without compromising the results. Since the key to an optimized credit underwriting process is eliminating unnecessary procedures without tampering with the results, ITR Analyzers definitely make a difference here.

A good ITR Analyzer streamlines ITR data analysis, enhancing efficiency and precision in credit evaluation. Through automated data parsing and extraction, it should eliminate manual tasks and swiftly extract relevant financial indicators for thorough analysis. 

Additionally, it should not be limited to merely ITR analysis; it should also retrieve, process, and provide details from other income-related sources. A good example is the AIS Annual Information Statement, which provides a summary of taxpayer information. It is a much more detailed source of information and includes a wider range of income and investment related information, such as Income and Investment from Securities, Properties, Dividend & interest received, Salaries received, Foreign remittances, Speculative incomes, GST turnover and purchases and much more.

Essentially, a reliable ITR analyzer, using all these resources, should deliver accurate insights into income data, empowering financial institutions to make well-informed lending decisions.

What To Look For In A Good ITR Analyzer?

  • Advanced Automation : It should automate processes, reducing processing time and mitigating the risk of errors. This must be done by leveraging advanced algorithms and enhancing data processing efficiency.
  • Comprehensive Evaluation : Going beyond superficial assessments, it should conduct in-depth analyses of financial data, offering a holistic view of borrowers' financial positions.
  • Tailored Insights : Customizability is crucial to meeting financial institutions' specific requirements. A good ITR Analyzer must provide actionable insights, aiding decision-making processes
  • Elimination of Fraud : Data integrity and underwriting process's credibility must be upheld under all circumstances. 
  • Reliable CAM Generation : A reliable CAM must include detailed financials in customized format, essential ratio analysis, eligibility sheets. It should be generated with minimal human errors reducing CPA workload and overall TAT.

Using ITR Analyzers: What Do Lenders Get?

  • Enhanced Efficiency : We can expedite loan approvals by streamlining credit evaluation processes and bolstering customer satisfaction and retention.
  • Improved Accuracy : With the automated approach and advanced analytics, we can ensure consistent and reliable evaluations, minimizing the likelihood of errors.
  • Risk Mitigation : Financial institutions can proactively manage risks by identifying potential discrepancies and irregularities in data, enhancing portfolio security.
  • Detailed Income Analysis : Analyzers that provide details from various sources - ITR forms, 26As, AIS/TIS and audit reports not only enhances credit underwriting but also fortifies the process with reliable, detailed analysis.
  • Cost Efficiency : Reducing manual effort and enhancing operational efficiency result in significant cost savings, optimizing resource allocation, and maximizing profitability for financial institutions. It also help reduce RCU cost since data is fetched from authentic sources without manual intervention.
  • Reduced TAT : Automated assistance helps to reduce Turnaround Time (TAT) by streamlining processes, minimizing manual intervention, and expediting the completion of tasks, ultimately leading to faster and more efficient operations

Drawing The Bottomline

In essence, automated ITR Analyzers are revolutionizing credit underwriting by leveraging advanced technology to streamline processes, enhance accuracy, and reduce risks. This not only speeds up lending decisions but also improves operational efficiency and profitability for financial institutions. As the financial sector continues its digital evolution, embracing such tools is critical for lenders to remain competitive and meet the evolving demands of consumers efficiently.

This is precisely why you require a reliable tool for this. We have put immense effort into ensuring that Corpository's ITR Analyzer leaves no stone turned and remains a reliable resource in credit underwriting. It provides a fully automated ITR analysis. Do have a look at how we can help you enhance credit evaluation at www.corpository.com.

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