How Corpository Is Simplifying Credit Decisioning


The credit decisioning landscape can be a challenging one to navigate. This is because it is not an industry that functions on a "one size fits all" template. At its core, credit decisioning is the process of evaluating and determining the creditworthiness of an individual or a business and deciding whether or not to extend credit.

Sounds straightforward, doesn't it?

But it is not that simple.

Credit managers are required to make well-informed financial decisions that can change the course of businesses entirely. One might argue that this is an easy process given the increased digitisation and technological advances. However, credit managers are faced with numerous challenges when it comes to finding well-rounded and verified information. Some of the biggest roadblocks staring at credit managers are incorrect or irrelevant data, limited resources to handle a high volume of work, budget and time constraints, among other factors.

This is where Corpository steps in to simplify the credit decisioning process.

What does Corpository do?

Corpository is the one-stop shop for all your credit decisioning needs. The solutions offered by Corpository are designed to cater to every aspect of the credit decisioning lifecycle through end-to-end automated solutions. The organisation's primary objective is to generate real-time insights and intelligent advice to streamline and chasten the credit decision-making process for financial institutions. 

Through tools that enable accurate credit decisioning, Corporistory is helping lenders manage portfolio risks and give their loan books a boost with good quality loans. It does so using technology to spearhead all credit decision tasks and activities. 

Using the newest technological tools, Corporistory streamlines the decision-making process for businesses and financial institutions by gathering and organising both structured and unstructured data. This includes curating, analysing, and presenting the multiple data sets in a way that allows for quick, data-driven decisions to be made.

  1. Automated collection, extraction and analysis of vast amounts of data within minutes
  2. Tracking credit risk using Machine Learning-based engines
  3. Predictive analytics for portfolio monitoring 
  4. Decision-grade analytics and due diligence on all requests

So far, Corpository has extended services to over 200 companies across 10 industries. Over 2.5 lakh companies have been monitored using Corpository's tool, and nearly 6 lakh credit reports have been generated.


Products offered by Corpository: Glance at Credit Decisioning Lifecycle

Corpository has tools designed to help you with every step of your credit decisioning process – discovery, evaluation, monitoring and portfolio management. Let us take a look at each stage and the different platforms employed by Corpository for each of them:

Explore: Explore is a platform that operates in the discovery stage of a credit decision process. It simplifies and makes the credit decisioning workflow efficient by cherry-picking pre-qualified borrowers. 

Explore is a web-based tool that compares Indian companies based on various data points using pre-selected criteria. It allows lenders to prioritise their targets and stay ahead of competitors through peer analysis, sectoral research, business group study, and market research. It can be used for analysis by lenders, researchers, analysts, consultants and corporations.

With over 50 filters and a screener to break down hundreds of companies in a comparative format, the Explore tool is designed to suit the needs of key financial players. This includes banks (public and private), Large and Medium NBFCs, Fintech companies, and global professional firms. 

How it works – Explore is a comprehensive database containing information on over 100,000 companies, sourced from over 50 publicly available sources, making it a reliable data source.

It has over 50 smart filtration features that allow lenders to identify and prioritise potential clients based on geography, size, and credit score. This reduces the risk of loan proposal rejection. 

In addition, Explore provides direct email addresses and reliable phone numbers of key managerial personnel of the companies, which can aid in the decision-making process.

InSights: InSights is a credit evaluation tool focusing on services such as credit underwriting and flagging credit risk. As a tool, it deals with credit evaluation, forensic analysis, and corporate due diligence. By covering these important arenas, InSights highlights critical events that impact credit risk, simplifies complex company structures and relationships, and performs in-depth data mining. 

How it works – InSights provides easy access to data from over 50 public sources, helping users make more informed decisions by highlighting key events and pain points of a corporation or its group of companies.

The Insights tool provides access to detailed data and credit analysis of any Indian company. The platform also allows users to identify and analyse red flags in the target entity's history. It also represents related critical information in a graphical timeline format.

The tool also provides access to source documents such as regulatory filings, rating rationales, and court case records, which are critical to the credit decisioning process.  All the data can be accessed in various forms – web pages, downloadable PDFs and Excel.

Monitor: Monitor is an automated early warning system that analyses the quality of a client portfolio. It scans the portfolio using analytics-driven rules and qualitative inputs to prevent defaults. It features a sophisticated dashboard with over 20 filters, enabling lenders to prioritise their response to critical alerts. 

The graphical timeline feature for portfolio companies provides a comprehensive timeline of critical events for the benefit of lenders. Monitor also extends updates through alerts and emails for key events. This allows lenders to stay informed and take action promptly.

How it works – Monitor allows users to effectively track their portfolio of borrowers and prevent the buildup of non-performing assets (NPAs). It simplifies collecting alerts from multiple departments spread across various locations and geographies by consolidating all alerts for the entities in the portfolio. 

With built-in alerts that the Reserve Bank of India mandates for data from the public domain, Monitor is a plug-and-play system that helps lenders comply with regulatory requirements immediately. Additionally, Monitor automatically updates publicly available information from multiple sources and provides real-time alerts to lenders, making it a proactive and efficient alert mechanism. It can also be easily integrated with multiple systems, enabling banks to respond effectively to internal and external signals.

RisQ: Handling the portfolio management phase of the credit decisioning lifecycle, RisQ is an automated score-based system. It uses proprietary predictive technology to help identify companies in your portfolio that are becoming risky well in advance, making credit decision-making easier. It categorises risk intelligently and offers an accurate and reliable indication of risk. RisQ predicts potentially defaulting companies with extremely high accuracy and aims to provide a response time of 90 to 360 days for lenders/investors to take effective remedial measures.

How it works – RisQ tracks over 100 KPIs from over 500 data points updated from over 100 sources daily. It identifies complex patterns using proprietary ML-based technology and categorises every tracked business entity on a risk scale. RisQ boasts of a default prediction accuracy of over 90% and provides access to detailed reports of portfolio companies. 

That's not all. Corpository also offers two other special tools – GST Analyzer and Verify. GST Analyzer serves lenders and related parties through Corpository's smart proprietary analytics to dissect GST filings. Verify, meanwhile, is designed to assist credit personnel in validating an individual loan applicant's cross-directorships or related party relationships. This is usually a sole proprietor or partnership firm owner whose GST filings are checked at scale using the Bulk PAN upload feature etc.

Solutions provided by Corpository

  • Improved decisioning accuracy: Accuracy is a non-negotiable aspect of any credit decision process. Through features like Machine Learning engines that can decipher hidden patterns in company data and tools to ascertain risk levels of a borrower entity, Corpository allows lenders to take quick and accurate decisions.
  • Improved customer satisfaction:  Corpository streamlines the process of credit decisioning by automating various stages of the credit workflow ranging from lead generation to data analysis.
  • Customised applications for increased revenue: Depending on the user's requirement, Corpository extends tools for operations such as credit evaluation, due diligence and risk monitoring, and lead generation. Further, a mobile application is also available for retail users.
  • Improved efficiency: Corpository converts large volumes of data to downloadable information through stringent verification processes. This goes a long way in reducing bad debts.

Corpository's pool of clients and partners includes – but is not limited to – National Stock Exchange, Bloomberg, HDFC, Poonawalla FinCorp, Citi Bank, Max Life Insurance, and Tata Capital.

Bottom Line

Corpository is dedicated to creating innovative technologies and solutions that gather, organise, interconnect, display, and examine digital data to provide valuable guidance for financial institutions. Through its diverse technological tools and platforms, Corpository simplifies the credit decisioning process. The end-to-end automated solutions of Corpository empower users with increased revenue, faster response time, effective lead generation and reduced bad debts.

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